FACSCalibursTwo BD FACSCaliburs are our general user instruments. One has a single laser (488 nm) and 3 detectors and the other has 2 lasers (488 and 635 nm) and 4 detectors. These are easy-to-use, fully enclosed systems run by the users. Common applications include bead based assays and analysis of mammalian cells, yeast, and bacteria. LSR IIThe BD LSR II system has 4 lasers at 355, 405, 488 and 635 nm and a total of ten fluorescence detectors. Additionally, a microplate sample loader is available for high throughput assays. Because of the number of detectors this instrument is ideal for multi-color assays, and is currently used for protein engineering, bacterial analysis and screening assays. FACSAriaThe BD FACSAria is a high speed, 4-way sorter. With three lasers emitting at 402, 488 and 633 nm and 9 fluorescence detectors, the Aria can be used to analyze and sort a variety of different materials stained with many fluorescent dyes. An aerosol containment system is available for sorting of low hazard BSL-2 samples. Current uses include sorting bacterial mutants and GFP transfected mammalian cells. FACSVantage SEThe BD FACSVantage SE is a stream-in-air sorter with two adjustable-wavelength Argon ion lasers. This instrument is currently dedicated to sorting chromosomes. An aerosol containment system is used for the sorting of human chromosomes. Luminex 100The Luminex 100 is made for multiplex bead assays which allows for the analysis of up to 100 different beads per well. With sample volumes as low as 50 µl a small amount of reagent is used to generate a very large amount of data. Current uses include protein quantitation and protease function assays. FBI Fragment SizerIn collaboration with the FBI Laboratory, a high sensitivity instrument has been dedicated to the analysis of DNA fragments for the purpose of identifying and typing bacterial specimens from forensic samples. This instrument is very compact and simple to use, and is available for routine analysis of small DNA samples extracted from a variety of sources. PTI SpectrofluorometerThe PTI Spectrofluorometer has a xenon arc lamp excitation and dual detectors with optional polarizers. This is commonly used to compare emmision spectra or look at FRET interactions over time. Fluorescence Lifetime SpectrofluorometerThe HORIBA Jobin Yvon Tau-3 Lifetime Spectrofluorometer uses frequency domain measurements for accurate lifetime measurements from 10 picoseconds to 10 microseconds. Using an air cooled xenon arc lamp for excitation emission fluorescence resolution is achieved from 240-850nm.
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If you need assistance with the calender or the analysis instruments please or would like to use the sorters please contact Claire Sanders |