Jim Jett
Contact Info
Jim has been involved
in the development of flow cytometry since 1973 when he joined the predecessor
to the Bioscience Division. Over the
years he has worked on the development of data analysis methods and new
flow cytometric instrumental capabilities such as DNA fragment size
analysis and spectral analysis. Although retired, he continues to
be involved in NFCR activities part time.
Recent Publications
Jett JH, Martin JC, Habbersett RC (2009) Techniques for flow cytometer
alignment, Curr Protoc Cytom. Oct;Chapter 1:Unit 1.10.
Jett JH (2008) Raman Spectroscopy Comes to Flow Cytometry. Cytometry Part A, 73A:109-110.
Naivar MA, Parson JD, Wilder ME, Habbersett RC, Edwards BS, Sklar L, Nolan JP, Graves SW, Martin JC, Jett JH, Freyer JP (2007) Open, reconfigurable cytometric acquisition system: ORCAS. Cytometry, 71A (11): 915-924.
Goddard G, Martin JC, Naivar M, Goodwin PM, Graves SW, Habbersett
RC, Nolan JP, Jett JH (2006) Single particle high resolution spectral
analysis flow cytometry. Cytometry A 69: 842-851.
Marrone BL, Habbersett RC, Jett JH, Keller RA, Yan X, Yoshida TM
(2005) DNA fragment sizing by high-sensitivity flow cytometry: applications
in bacterial identification. In: Flow Cytometry in Biotechnology, Sklar
LA, ed. (Oxford University Press, London) Chapter 7: 123-138.
Yan X, Habbersett RC, Yoshida TM, Nolan JP, Jett JH, Marrone BL
(2005) Probing the kinetics of SYTOX Orange stain binding to double-stranded
DNA with implications for DNA analysis. Anal. Chem. 77: 3554-3562.