. Scott CramContact Infolxc@lanl.gov ProfileDr. Cram received his Ph.D. in Biophysics from the Pennsylvania State University and M.S. in Physics from Vanderbilt University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. After joining the Los Alamos Laboratory he developed a multidisciplinary research program and served in a number of management positions including Deputy Director of the Life Science Division. He received a Max-Planck Society fellowship for advanced studies at the Max-Planck-Institut for Biophysikalische Chemie in Goettingen, where he developed mammalian chromosome identification and sorting techniques.Dr. Cram’s research career has focused on flow cytometry, cell biology and the human genome program. He helped develop the NIH sponsored National Flow Cytometry Resource and was its first director. The techniques he helped develop for chromosome sorting formed the basis on which the human genome program was founded; the National Laboratory Chromosome Specific Gene Library Project. He also played a major role in the discovery of the DNA sequence that signals the end of a chromosome; the telomere. Other significant contributions were in the area of spontaneous tumorigenesis and virulence of mammalian viruses. He is a charter member and former president of the International Society for Analytical Cytology. He currently serves on a National Institutes of Health special study section. He has contributed over 100 peer-reviewed publications, edited two books, including numerous invited book chapters. Although retired from Los Alamos National Laboratory he maintains an associate position with the National Flow Cytometry Resource and is a Visiting Scholar in the Institute for Biomedical Science and Biotechnology, University of Arizona, Tucson. Recent Publications