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John Martin

John Martin

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505 667 2786
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Recent Publications

Carr C, Espy M, Nath P, Martin SL, Ward MD, Martin J (2009) A magnetophoresis chamber with 25 fractions output – design, fabrication and demonstration, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321: 1440-1445.


Jett JH, Martin JC, Habbersett RC (2009) Techniques for flow cytometer alignment, Curr Protoc Cytom. Oct;Chapter 1:Unit 1.10.


Houston JP, Naivar M, Martin JC, Goddard G, Carpenter S, Mourant JR, Fryer JP (2008) Endogenous Fluorescence Lifetime of Viable Cells by Flow Cytometry. Proc. SPIE, 6859: 68590T.


Goddard GR, Sanders CK, Martin JC, Kaduchak G, Graves SW (2007) Analytical performance of an ultrasonic particle focusing flow cytometer. Anal. Chem., 79: 8740-8746.


Naivar MA, Parson JD, Wilder ME, Habbersett RC, Edwards BS, Sklar L, Nolan JP, Graves SW, Martin JC, Jett JH, Freyer JP (2007) Open, reconfigurable cytometric acquisition system: ORCAS. Cytometry, 71A (11): 915-924.


Goddard G, Martin JC, Graves SW, Kaduchak G (2006) Ultrasonic particle-concentration for sheathless focusing of particles for analysis in a flow cytometer. Cytometry 69A: 66-74.

Goddard G, Martin JC, Naivar M, Goodwin PM, Graves SW, Habbersett RC, Nolan JP, Jett JH (2006) Single particle high resolution spectral analysis flow cytometry. Cytometry A 69: 842-851.



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